Most of the blue development activities are located in the north of Poland, by the sea. There is also smart specialization dedicated to Blue Growth in Pomorskie. Poland has no national strategy for the bioeconomy in general, while there are policy initiatives are dedicated to the bioeconomy. There is no national definition of the term bioeconomy. Poland participates in the BioEAST - Central and Eastern European initiative for knowledge-based agriculture, aquaculture and forestry in the bioeconomy, a macro-regional initiative developed by Central and Eastern European countries. Poland also has a programme in the form of a roadmap that supports the implementation of the circular economy. Currently, a draft of the programme is available. The Roadmap ‘Transformation towards a circular economy’ sets the direction for the transformation of the Polish economy from a linear to a circular model. The currently available draft has identified four Polish priorities.
Key priorities for building a circular economy in Poland:
In order to implement the mentioned priorities in the roadmap project, actions in the following areas have been distinguished:
Lead Ministries:
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministry of Science and Higher Education
Polish Technology Platform of Bioeconomy
Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation – State Research Institute
Klaster LifeScience Kraków
BioStrateg - Strategic and Research Programme: Environment, Agriculture and Forestry; National Smart Specializations
Regional Innovation Strategy of Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020 – Bioeconomy as a one of RIS
Regional smart specializations of Łodzkie (Elements of Bioeconomy in RIS)
Regional smart specializations of Warmińsko - Mazurskie (Elements of Bioeconomy in RIS)
Regional smart specializations of Wielkopolskie (Elements of bioeconomy in RIS)
Regional smart specializations of Zachodnio - Pomorskie (Bioeconomy as a one of RIS)
Bio-based strategies and roadmaps for enhanced rural and regional development in the EU- Regional strategy and roadmap documents (11/21, BE-Rural)
Strategia rozwoju gospodarki cyrkularnej poprzez wykorzystanie zasobów ryb małocennych obszarów Zalewu Szczecińskiego i Zalewu Wiślanego na lata 2021-2030 (10/21, BE-Rural)
SUBMARINER Network and Blue Platform - Angela Schultz-Zehden, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth
Global trends in Aquaculture - Konrad Ocalewicz, University of Gdańsk
State of Play Sweden - Izabela Alias, Swedish Board of Agriculture
State of Play Denmark - Hilary Karlson, Bioeconomy Hotspot Guldborgsund Municipality
State of Play Russia - Sergey Shibaev, Kaliningrad State Technical University
State of Play Poland - Marcin Juchniewicz, K1 Trout Farm
State of Play Germany - Stefan Meyer, Kiel University
State of Play Estonia - Liisi Lees, Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu
State of Play Latvia - Anete Niemi, Institute for Food Safety
New ways to valorize red seaweed Furcellaria lumbricalis - Valmar Kasuk, Vetik Company, Estonia
Small-scale RAS applications - Bartosz Blum, Aqua Medic Poland
Aquaculture Working Group - Efthalia Arvaniti, SUBMARINER Network for Blue Growth EEIG
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